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Prof. Horst Köhler sketches an encouraging vision
Africa and Europe - Opportunity for a new beginning?

This was the title of a hybrid event in Berlin, hosted by the Federation of German Industries (BDI) and the German Africa Foundation. Former German Federal President Prof Horst Köhler gave an emphatic, thought provoking, visionary keynote address on the future of Europe-Africa relations.

An emphatic speech: former Federal President Prof. Horst Köhler

Former Federal President Prof. Horst Köhler giving an emphatic speech


"The 21st century could become the African-European century", declared Prof Köhler - and he provided detailed good reasons for that assessment, and sketched promising pathways to that potential development.

They include structural reforms in Europe, and a serious initiative to curb illicit financial flows. Prof.  Köhler called on decision makers to intensify their over-due efforts in this regard. He also appealed to politicians and the business sector alike to create an enabling environment and to pursue economic opportunities the African continent undoubtedly offers, while focussing on social value creation as well. 

READ: You can find the full text of the speech online. The German original is available here.



Engaging explanations by a thoughtful panelist - Dr Jakkie Cilliers

Dr Jakkie Cilliers - engaging explanations by a thoughtful panelist


In his speech, Prof Köhler also referred repeatedly to the work of the Institute for Security Studies Pretoria, one of our partner organisations in South Africa, citing several recent studies. The former Federal President of Germany extensively spoke about Dr. Cilliers' recent book "Africa First!", its long-term forecast on the future of the continent - and its recommendations to ignite growth which is so crucial to improving the lives of the people.

Dr Cilliers was one of the panelists at the event as well, joined by diverse high level representatives from both continents - they included Jutta Urpilainen, EU Commissioner for International Parnterships, and Mmasekgoa Masire-Mwamba, Ambassador of Botswana in Germany.

Excitement was in the air - in Berlin and online

Excitement was in the air - in Berlin and online


The exciting, focused hybrid event attended by invited guests in Berlin was live-streamed to a large audience, providing simultaneous interpretation for English and German speaking participants.

The audience engaged in a frank, lively discussion with the speakers as well. 


Follow the link below to watch the recording of the stimulating, important event in German or in English: